Home Your Predictions! Movies Nominations
Welcome to Oscars Predictions 2012!

This website is now a yearly tradition amongst Martin and friends. Win bragging rights by trying to predict correctly as many categories as possible!

Click Predictions above to begin! Also, don't forget to check which movies you've seen this year and choose your favorite.

The ceremony was held on Sunday February 26th, 7:00 PM.
It was hosted by Billy Crystal.

For those looking for help making their predictions, you can consult compiled Oscars statistics here.


Note: No complete archived predictions exist of this year.

Username % Seen Points
1. Martin 50.82% 7686
2. jebero007 0% 3900
3. Geometrical 0% 900
4. Y-Lan 21.31% 47

Points formula: You get 100 points * the number of possible choices per correct prediction, and 1 point * the number of nominations per movie you have seen.